Bonsai Buddy program

Buddy – definition a : companion, partner. b : friend 1. become friendly and spend time with someone!

  • PBS prides itself in having experienced practitioners willing to help other members. The Bonsai Buddy program started in the Spring of 2022 and many members have been enjoying having a Buddy.  The Bonsai Buddy program is open to ALL PBS members.


About the program

  • To someone beginning their journey with Bonsai the volume of information is daunting, but with the help of a more experienced member, new practitioners can understand and apply techniques to the care of their own trees without feeling overwhelmed. 

  • For members who are at an intermediate level and would like to have a more in-depth experience we can have you paired with some of our more experienced members.  Members may work with various experienced mentors who can answer questions, provide consultation when needed. 

  • Experienced Members are needed in the Program.  We give what we have, but how we give is up to us. The knowledge we share will always be shaped by who we are, and students will remember how teachers made them feel as they were learning.  Teachers have the privilege of guiding early experiences and discoveries.

    Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. - Benjamin Franklin.

“Joining a bonsai club may well be the single most important aspect of learning and improving.”


Get Involved!

The amount of time you and your buddy spend together is up to you and your buddy.  Our hope is that the Program will give members someone that can answer questions when needed, and when possible, get together outside of the Club meetings to practice bonsai. 

If you are interested in becoming a buddy or having a buddy, please email us using the links below.   

1.    I am a Beginner and would like to have a buddy.

2.    I am an intermediate enthusiast and would like a buddy.

3.    I would like to be a buddy to beginner students.

4.    I would like to be a buddy to intermediate level students.

  • We can ALL be Buddies!  Once you have made a request to Be a buddy or Have a buddy, we will work to pair members in similar geographic areas.  Our hope is that this program will enrich everyone’s bonsai experience! 

PBS’s mission is to empower students on their bonsai journey and minimize the barriers to building successful networks and accessing valuable information from other experienced members. 

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