Sharee Solow visits Taikan-Ten Bonsai Exhibition
Sharee Solow shared her much-anticipated presentation on the 39th
Taikan-ten Bonsai Exhibition with the PA Bonsai Society, February 21. There
were hundreds of photos to edit and Chase "Rosade-san" offered his
curatorial guidance. She spent over three weeks touring the Kansai area this
past November 2019 photographing not just bonsai but temples, trees, flea
markets, tea houses, food, lanterns, sake production, Maiko, and all those
steps! Not new to Japan, this adds to her extensive photo collection,
construction documents, and materials display from the three-week
certification classes she completed six years ago in Japanese garden
history, maintenance, and construction. She is open to requests for this and
other presentations on Japanese subjects such as tea house garden layout,
garden detailing, trees, design history, temple gardens of Kyoto,
Seasonality from Maples to Mume, and a new favorite - sake appreciation. Be
it for a Tea event, Garden club, Rotary club, Ikebana group, Cultural
outreach, Green Industry meeting, etc. - if there are specific aspects of
Japanese gardening that your group is interested in, a customized powerpoint
is only a request away.
Sharee Solow's skill and vision are demonstrated as she seeks to expand the garden ideal in her numerous designs, lectures, articles, and classes. Her broad background spanning theater, marketing, horticulture, and landscape architecture coupled with extensive international travel, forms the aesthetic palate needed to handle the diverse creative demands found in clients’ outdoor spaces. Sharee completed intensive seminars in Japan where she earned certificates in garden design history, construction, and maintenance. She is a past board member, guest judge and academic jurist for many regional organization, adjunct professor of Perennial Design, and active with ASLA, APLD, NAJGA, PPA, GWA and is PA Certified Horticulturist #824.